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What are controllers? controller is a class to define all methods (responder) into one endpoint. It follows the REST API architecture design.

REST API Architecture

Basically the REST API architecture design, provides one endpoint to perform Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations. Example:

  • HTTP method GET to read data
  • HTTP method POST to add data
  • HTTP method PUT for updating data
  • HTTP method DELETE to delete data

Learn more here

Other sources:

This feature is inspired by Generic Views from Django Rest Framework.

Create Controller

$ mkdir app/controllers/book && touch app/controllers/book/

Open the created file using a text editor and copy the code below, then paste it into the file earlier.

from fastapi import Response
from fastack.controller import Controller

class BookController(Controller):
    def get(self, id: int) -> Response: # (1)
        return self.json("Detail Book", { # (2)
            "id": id,
            "title": "blubuk blubuk"
  1. In this code we create a simple controller that provides a responder for the HTTP method GET with the query parameter id.

  2. In this code we return a JSON response with the shortcut self.json(...)

And add controller to app/controllers/ Example:

from app.controllers.dummy import DummyController
from import BookController # (1)

from fastack import Fastack

def init_controllers(app: Fastack):
    app.include_controller(BookController()) # (2)
  1. First, we import the controller class

  2. Then we add the controller to the Fastack instance.


When you add a controller, make sure it is an instance object of the controller.

if you run the app, you will see something like this


And when you open the Book tag, you will see something like this


Additional route information

As you can see the path, summary, HTTP method, it's all created automatically by the controller. But, what if we want to change it manually? you can use fastack.decorators.route decorator to change that!


from fastapi import Response
from fastack.controller import Controller
from fastack.decorators import route # (1)

class BookController(Controller):
    @route(summary="Book summary") # (2)
    def get(self, id: int) -> Response:
        return self.json("Detail Book", {
            "id": id,
            "title": "blubuk blubuk"
  1. We import route decorator to set route information to responder

  2. We added the summary ourselves (not automatically generated by the controller)

And run it again and see what happens


Yeay, we successfully changed the summary for get responder. So basically the route decorator is just for storing parameters to the method then passed to fastapi.APIRouter.add_api_route. So, all parameters in fastapi.APIRouter.add_api_route can be used, except endpoint because this value is a method (responder).

How it works?

Simple, when you define methods inside a class, which the class inherits from our Controller class. We will find all the methods that match the HTTP method using Controller.get_http_method().

If an HTTP method is found, we search the path for the responder using Controller.get_path(). Then we add it to the router automatically.

So, basically the Controller class is just a container for the responder then put in the fastapi.APIRouter class. For more details, please see this code

Controller types

For now all controller types are used only as mixins. But in future, it will support ModelController like ModelViewSet in DRF.


This is the controller base for all controller types.

For more details, see API Reference


Controller to add data


Controller to delete data


Controller to show all data with pagination


Controller to get one data


Controller to update data


It is a combination of RetrieveController and ListController controllers.


It is a combination of CreateController and UpdateController controllers.


It is a combination of CreateController, DestroyController, RetrieveController UpdateController and ListController controllers.

Last update: January 17, 2022 13:26:42