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Thank you in advance for taking the time to contribute to this project 🙏

Report an issue

You can track or report issues to this project via the following link: 🚀

Before reporting an issue, make sure you've looked for a similar issue. So there will be no duplication of issues 🤧


The first step you must do before contributing.

Clone source code

You need to fork the fastack repository first then clone your repository:

git clone<username>/fastack.git
cd fastack

Install poetry

Fastack uses poetry as a package manager, so you will need to install it first, see here for installation details.

poetry install
poetry shell

If you use VSCode as a text editor, you have to set up your VSCode python interpreter according to the virtual environment created by poetry

$ poetry env info -p

If you execute the above command, the result that appears is the location of the virtual environment created by poetry. So you need to add bin/python to the back of the virtual environment path.



And set python interpreter in VSCode See here for changing python interpreter in VSCode

Configure pre-commit hooks

You need to configure fastack repository with pre-commit hook, this is needed for automatic code formatting when you push to remote repository.

pre-commit install

Configure Git Flow

It is optional to use git-flow for efficient branching (for added features, bugfixes, etc).

For installation, you can see here

When you have finished installing git-flow, initialize your repository with git-flow:

$ git flow init
Which branch should be used for bringing forth production releases?
   - main
Branch name for production releases: [main]
Branch name for "next release" development: [develop] next

How to name your supporting branch prefixes?
Feature branches? [feature/]
Bugfix branches? [bugfix/]
Release branches? [release/]
Hotfix branches? [hotfix/]
Support branches? [support/]
Version tag prefix? [] v
Hooks and filters directory? [...]

For development branch set to next for next release (optional)

Add features, bug fixes, etc.

Always creating new branches for feature additions, bug fixes, etc.

In this case I use git-flow:

# Add features
git flow feature start awesome-feature

After adding features, commit the changes that have been made. Then publish to your repository.


You will also need to update documentation and unit testing. For the docstring we followed the guide from

git flow feature publish

Create pull request


Before make a pull request, make sure it's synced with the main fastack repository.

Want to support fastack?

You can donate your money via:

Buy Me a Coffee at

Last update: January 17, 2022 15:15:36